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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

9 Rules on a Successful Radio Advertisement

Professional radio hosts know how it works from the inside.Form the number of sold radio spots depends salary of radio representatives. How to help a client to succeed in radio advertisement, and get maximum profit so that next time he will choose same radio station to place his radio advertisement. These 9 rules of successful radio advertisement campaign can help you.
(1) Choose the right audience, as per your product/service. Targeting people who are not interested in your product or services is a waste of money and time. That is why it is very important to choose the right target and send your message only to them.
(2) If there are long advertisement blocks (3 minutes or more), make sure that your radio advertisement audio will play the first in the block. It makes no sense to buy 100 spots so that they get lost in hundreds of the rest advertising campaigns. When your radio advertisement is on – radio listener can switch to the next radio station. That's how easy you can lose potential client.
(3) Well planned and targeted radio advertisement campaign might not be very expensive. Better not to try to buy the output in the most expensive blocks. It may be better option to focus on frequency on the next radio advertisement campaign.
(4) In order to get maximum of any radio advertisement campaign, it is better to set up advertisement campaign at the same time spots, and same days of the week. First, make sure that your radio advertisement plays with enough frequency in order to get better reach. If radio advertisement repeated regularly – success guaranteed.
(5) Once you got the desired frequent of your radio advertisement campaign, you need to extend your availability. Be careful with the frequency, though. Too frequent radio advertisement, with the same text, will only irritate your listeners, and waste your money. There is one rule, for capturing the market: from every 10$ that you are willing to spend on advertising, invest 3$ on output frequency and remaining 7$ spend on availability. For example, invest 30% of the budget on advertising videos frequently on weekend during evening and even night time. The remaining 70% of the budget spend on playing advertisements during Prime time to reach more people. If you give 100% of its advertising budget on Prime-time – you get accessibility, but lose the output frequency. That is the rule of radio advertisement campaign.
(6) If your service or product is not for everyone, and created for a specific niche – your radio advertisement campaign has to be heard and advertised for the whole period of time (month or a week). For example, if you have a special offer, for your client that will last for 2 months you have to invest in a 2 month radio advertisement campaign.
(7) Measure radio advertisement campaign on the quantity of radio slots and how frequent it plays, rather than price.
(8) Ratings and other television terms. The radio is any kind of ratings cannot relate, but only confuse people. Evaluate radio advertisement on its frequency and availability.
(9) Price for 1000 contacts/leads is the best measurement of a radio advertisement as it gives an opportunity to compare it with TV advertisement, or any other advertisement campaigns.
Even if you know everything about the radio stations, where you are going to advertise your product, use help of a professional agencyDataslices will advise you what days are better for your radio advertisement campaign, in UAE, what is the best timing works for your market, and what frequency should you follow. The right knowledge of a specialist can save your time, and money, and bring maximum results.
Contact Dataslices for more details, plan your radio advertisement campaign today!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

How to Make Your Content Attractive, on Instagram?

95 million photo and video shares every day, 20% of users are from the USA, and remaining 80% are from the rest of the world. Big global income, mobile ad income reaches $2.81 billion in 2017, 4.2 billion posts get "Like" every day, and 70.7% of brands are expecting to use it in 2017. Still curious what all these numbers are about? Instagram – one of the biggest and most successful social media platforms. Instagram ads becomes more and more in demand. When it first appeared, in 2010, Instagram was just a simple platform for sharing photos (mostly food, and stunning views). Today, it is a social media platform for users, and businesses, which allows to promote any product, launch Instagram ads, and engage with the audience. As more and more companies start exploring Instagram platform, and Instagram ads (in particular), try to advertise, and promote its product, it is very important to know what to publish, and how to make your business account interesting to potential clients. That is why Instagram ads is a must to run.

Storytelling Content

Many people seek useful information, in Instagram. It is very important to give something helpful, in order to get benefits. Very often, people forget this rule and try to promote their product without thinking of a customer's actual needs or interests. That is why it is crucial to get this connection with an audience. You can share stories on how you decided to open your business, how it has changed your life. But what will look even better – stories on how your product has changed other people's life.


Comments from your customers are your cornerstone. It has an ability to drive business up, and reflect the quality of the product. The presence of a large number of positive comments makes your audience trust you more, what will be the final reason on whether to use your services/product or not. What is more, it is easier to collect and respond to all comments on Instagram, comparing to other social media platforms or the website. So why not to use it, now?


How often do we check news and updates of our favorite brands or companies? If you don't update your audience, you will lose them. Instagram makes it easier, and faster to share any news, updates, or just interesting fact with your people. It is important to share all the details on upcoming discounts, offers, events, any changes in location, on other contact details. If your company has no changes, or updates, at the moment, you can always create one yourself. New furniture, in the office, or fresh bouquet of flowers. Instagram loves such things.

Motivational Posts, and Humor

Our life is very stressful. Majority of the day people spend at work, trying to finish the project, to achieve the target, or to arrange an event. This is the moment when you can help forget daily routine and bring a smile to somebody's face. People are visiting social media pages not only to socialize but to have fun, as well. That is why jokes, memes and other funny posts are must of any business, regardless of the product which you offer. Try to find such kind of pictures, which will maximally match your business and your product.

In Conclusion

Being different is a key point in every advertisement campaign, especially running Instagram ads. It is crucial to engage an audience with a nice, and variety of content. In order to expand the sphere of influence, posts should be different, attractive, informative, and appeal to emotions. 
If you need someone to guide you, run Instagram ads, or just manage your account – Dataslices is there to help you.
Good luck, and be successful!